EPS partners with GCMD and GoodFuels for biofuels trial project
15 August 2023

EPS partners with GCMD and GoodFuels to assess supply chain integrity of biofuel blends
This is the third biofuel supply chain trail by GCMD involving tracer dosing and onboard blending
SINGAPORE, 15 August 2023 – The Global Centre for Maritime Decarbonisation (GCMD) successfully bunkered the third supply chain of a biofuel blend as part of its pilot to develop a quality, quantity and GHG abatement assurance framework for drop-in green fuels on 24 July.
Partnering with tonnage provider Eastern Pacific Shipping (EPS), this GCMD-led trial involved the Kaupang, a mid-sized gas carrier equipped with an LPG dual-fuel engine. As opposed to sailing on conventional fuel oil, LPG propulsion can reduce emissions. Using LPG requires a pilot fuel; replacing the pilot fuel with a biofuel blend can further reduce emissions.
In this trial, approximately 200 MT of a B30 biofuel blend of hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO) and marine gas oil (MGO) provided by GoodFuels was bunkered in the Port of Vlissingen (Flushing) as the pilot fuel for LPG propulsion.
Bolstering our learnings from two previous supply chain trials
Prior to this trial, GCMD had successfully traced two supply chains of FAME-based biofuels blends with synthetic DNA from production to consumption through Singapore. In this most recent trial, GCMD collaborated with GoodFuels, Control Union and IDS to deploy an element-based tracer in HVO to assure its origination and quantity in the biofuel blend.
Unique to this trial, the tracer was dosed in-line with HVO and blended with MGO onboard the bunker vessel. Carbon dating was conducted in accordance with Standard EN 16640 to independently determine the biogenic carbon content given the chemical similarities between HVO and some of the components in MGO.
VPS witnessed the trial at all stages from biofuel transfer and onboard blending to bunkering aboard the Kaupang. VPS also conducted extensive laboratory tests on aliquots of the biofuel and biofuel blend collected at numerous pre-determined points along the supply chain to assess quality per Standards EN 15940 and ISO 8217.
Aligning with the key outcomes of MEPC 80
MEPC 80 has issued MEPC.1/Circ.905 Interim Guidance on the Use of Biofuels under Regulations 26, 27 and 28 of IMO MARPOL Annex VI (DCS and CII), which will come into effect on 1 October 2023. These interim guidelines will provide clarity on the types of biofuels that can be certified sustainable; these biofuels will also need to meet a minimum requirement of 65% emissions reduction against conventional fuel to be compliant.
Produced from 100% waste and residues, the HVO used in this trial has a well-to-wake emissions of 16 gCO2e/MJ. This translates to a 83% reduction in emissions compared to using fossil MGO, and in blending MGO with 30% biofuel as the pilot fuel for LPG combustion, this trial demonstrated a 20% net reduction in emissions compared to the Kaupang sailing on VLSFO.
The data collected from this trial augments those collected from the prior two supply chain trials for GCMD to further develop its assurance framework for drop-in green fuels. In the context of the recently updated guidelines, this framework should impart greater confidence in fuel purchasers meeting or exceeding IMO regulatory requirements.
On the completion of bunkering of this drop-in biofuel supply chain trial, Dr Sanjay Kuttan, Chief Technology Officer of GCMD, said: “The experiences from this trial will strengthen the development of our framework to provide emissions abatement assurance when it comes to paying a premium for green fuels over fossil fuels. Through this pilot, we demonstrated that different tracing techniques can help ensure authenticity and quantity of sustainable biofuels in the supply chain. And using a biofuel blend with LPG can be a feasible pathway for ships to meet the recently revised IMO indicative decarbonisation checkpoint for 2030.”
Rashim Berry, Senior Advisor-Special Projects of Eastern Pacific Shipping, said: “Eastern Pacific Shipping is pleased to once again team up with GCMD and GoodFuels on a biofuel trial. EPS’ stance has always been to implement various emission lowering solutions, such as biofuels, across our diverse fleet. Our previous trial proved that biofuels lower CO2 emissions. Therefore, we must keep pushing the envelope by conducting additional testing, including supply chain integrity. This is the only way to develop a viable solution in the biofuels space that the entire shipping community can adopt. We believe this trial will do just that.”
Johannes Schürmann, Commercial Director at GoodFuels, said: “By applying our groundbreaking physical fuel tracing technology in practice in this pilot, we are jointly taking another significant stride towards a more transparent bunker industry that is geared towards decarbonisation in a scaleable way. Transparency is becoming even more crucial as we are now starting to bring the new generation of Sustainable Marine Fuels to market. The ability to access reliable technical insights and sustainability guarantees in every step of the supply chain is absolutely essential.”
The remaining two supply chains of the GCMD-led biofuels assurance framework pilot will be trialled in the upcoming months. Learnings from these trials and details of the assurance framework will be shared broadly through a public report in early 2024.
About the Global Centre for Maritime Decarbonisation
The Global Centre for Maritime Decarbonisation (GCMD) was set up on 1 August 2021 as a non-profit organisation. Our strategic partners include the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA), BHP, BW Group, Eastern Pacific Shipping, Foundation Det Norske Veritas, Ocean Network Express, Seatrium, bp and Hapag-Lloyd and NYK. Beyond the strategic partners, GCMD has brought onboard 15 partners that engage at the centre level, in addition to more than 80 partners that engage at the project level.
Strategically located in Singapore, the world’s largest bunkering hub and second largest container port, GCMD aims to help the industry eliminate GHG emissions by shaping standards for future fuels, piloting low-carbon solutions in an end-to-end manner under real-world operations conditions, financing first-of-a-kind projects, and fostering collaboration across sectors. For more information, please visit www.gcformd.org.
About Eastern Pacific Shipping
With a history spanning 60 years, Eastern Pacific Shipping Pte. Ltd. (“EPS”) is a leading shipping company that is committed to the green and technology-driven growth of the industry. Headquartered in Singapore for the past 30 years, EPS is driven by its mission to be the safe and efficient transportation provider of choice to the shipping industry.
Empowering that mission is a 6,000 strong and growing workforce across sea and shore. They oversee a versatile fleet of over 250 vessels and 23 million deadweight-tonnes across three core segments of containership, dry bulk, and tanker vessels. EPS’ shore team is fully integrated with in-house commercial, finance, innovation, IT, legal, manning, operations, and technical departments.
About GoodFuels
GoodFuels is a global pioneer in Sustainable Marine Fuels, with offices in Europe and Singapore. The Netherlands-headquartered company has created a one-stop-shop for marine industry customers, integrating the entire supply chain for Sustainable Marine Fuels like sustainable biofuels and biomethanol. From feedstock to tank, GoodFuels’ proposition covers elements of sourcing feedstock and ensuring its 100% sustainability, the production and refining, the global distribution, quality assurance, and marketing programs with ports, governments, and cargo owners.
GoodFuels and its sister brands GoodShipping and GoodZero are part of FincoEnergies, an independent, leading provider of sustainable, low-carbon energy and decarbonisation solutions. Our mission is to propel our customers’ transition towards a better world. With these solutions, we empower our customers to calculate, reduce, inset and offset their emissions.
Learn more about GoodFuels at goodfuels.com.